The theme this week, for our 365 group, is "Illusion". Below are my photos for the daily postings. Click on each one to see a caption about the illusion and to see the photo full crop. Then came this... a dreamlike illusion made from three of the photos I took from the parking lot rooftop:
It was a slightly weird week... started sick (thus middle of the night and cough drop photos, then through Jon's inspired cooking, a couple of trips up to the mall for people watching, a heart discovered in the old flooring of our home, and insects stopped by the chilly weather. Click on and photo to see the full crop or larger size.
This past week's theme was silhouettes and shadows. We were in Virginia Beach during much of the week, so I got some shots for the theme, but also had to digress into the beautiful sunrises and scenes there! Click on any photo to see it larger and full crop. The silhouettes additional non-theme pics from Virginia Beach