We drove straight through from Virginia to Wisconsin yesterday. It was a long haul, but these guys do it every day! Taken with my phone and edited in Snapseed.
this is just one of my platform shots from the DC Metros. Had fun playing with shutter speeds and focus to get the escalator in sharp focus, but the commuters in movement. If you want to see more of the platforms see my blog page for January 23. Last night we went to the Washington Capitals hockey game, great fun and I took about a zillion photos and gained a lot of respect for sports photogs! I really liked the personal side of the game so lots of closeups! All shot with my Fujifilm S8200 in automatic (I could only handle watching the game, zooming and clicking the shutter!) Here are a couple candid people photos; one colorful photo of three young guys I know well, and one black and white photo of an older stranger. It as a snow day today, so my to grand kids had a friend over for some Star Wars video gaming! This was a one second exposure - a long time to catch this much energy sitting (almost) still! Made it to Washington in time for my grandson's birthday party. here are him (left) and two friends (center) and his brother (right) trying to figure the odds at the coin drop game in the bowling alley where the party was. Taken with my phone and turned BW by Snapseed. Here are a few more photos of the big day of soccer practice and party! On my way from Wisconsin to Washington DC, and here are a few photos from the drive through Illinois, Indiana and Ohio today. This one, power lines from right over the border from Illinois to Indiana, is my official photo of the day, but I have included a few others as will. Taken with my phone and a little drama added with Snapseed. It has gotten all gray again after a day or two of bright. I must say I am dreaming of porch-sitting weather to come back. I think even the birdies are starting to look a bit grumpy as the perch with their fluffed feathers. I have had a couple people ask what camera I am using. It is a Fujifilm S8200. My little point and shoot Fuji saw me through 5 years of photos for the Etsy shop and many vacations, so when it was time to replace, I had to stay loyal (and got a real deal from Costco!) It is not a fancy one, but as I just heard a renowned photographer say in a video the other day; "The best camera is always the camera you have with you!" I agree, so many times it is my phone. One of the things my new camera does, is allow for more night shots. It is a [almost] full moon out right now, so I thought I would go out and do some experiments. This is my one for the day, but again, I can't stop there, so here are some of my other experiments. Headed out a bit before sunset to catch the last of the sun's warmth on this grain building. My next stop was the barn right down the road from our house. It was dusk and the warm lights looked inviting on a cold evening.There is hard work going on in there, but to me it looks cozy. Then I started heading down the country roads looking for great silhouettes in the sunset. The barns and bare trees didn't disappoint. (see below) Then it was time to go home, and one of my favorite shots, shown here, is right from my own front yard. There is no place like home. Good night. We have a daily visitor. We have named him "Rover" because he is helping us finish the dog food we have. I have learned a lot about Opossums while research him. 1- they have 50 teeth - more than any other North American Land Mammal. 2- they are marsupials 3- they are short lived (only a couple of years) 4- playing possum/dead is not voluntary 5- they are pretty easy to photograph because they do not move too fast and have (apparently) terrible eyesight, but because of the teeth, this was shot with a long (40x) zoom.
This little guy followed me home from Colorado last summer. He resides on my studio window. The geranium flower is from a refugee who sought asylum from the garden last fall. It also lives at my studio window. It might be -18 outside, but it is sunny and nice in here. Taken with my Android and PRO HDR camera App. With a little Gimp cropping and contrast. So my neighbor on the elliptical thought I was adjusting my phone, but I was sneaking this shot through the handlebars of my bike. Hope they don't mind! I like how the handlebars created a frame, and the vintage look I got from Snapseed editing. The stop motion is created with my use of PRO HDR. The color and the effect remind me of this iconic image from every art history course I ever took: Nude Descending a Staircase, No.2, Marcel Duchamp Let's keep the ball rolling!I have been going to the gym regularly, so that is now a fertile location for photos of the day! This is shot again using my phone and the ProHDR setting with just a tiny bit of sharpening and such in Gimp (poor girl's photoshop). It was shot as the ball was rolling so it would be captured differently by the three HDR exposures. Fun, huh? (and, yes, I decided that these photos need titles) |