Just Thinking, recently won the Janome Prize for Innovation in Artistry at the 2021 International Quilt Festival. and will now be touring with the Festival until late 2022. This was a great honor and a validation of a piece where my goal was innovation in both technique and subject. A short interview I did with the festival about this quilt can be found on my PROCESS AND VIDEOS page. I had several other quilts in the show as well. Here are those:
.At the 2021 Quilt National Biennial Show., 6" of Chaos won the Award of Excellence from the International Quilt Museum, Lincoln, Nebraska. This award was a purchase awar, and my quilt will now be part of their permanent collection.
It was a majow honor and surprise to get this award, and the weekend spent there was lovely. Just to see old friends and make new ones, and talk fiber art all weekend. See my Process and Video section for the interview about this quilt. |
January 2022
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