I have written before and often pontificated about how we need only to look around for ideas. We do not have to go to exotic places, or view wide vistas; I spent a month photographing only thing on my block ( for more about that CLICK HERE , or HERE). my search continues, and is probably even more focused since none of us are wondering far these days.
There is a quote from Mary Oliver that addresses this: "Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." I love that and if I have a mantra in life, that is it. Today after that debacle of a debate last night, we must continue to be vigilant and proactive, but maybe today, you need a little "pay attention and be astonished" to remember the beauty that is still all around us even in these times of pandemic and politics. I thought I would just post a lot of my latest "details of life". Some from walks around the 'hood, some from a boring ride in the car, etc...
The McGuffey Art Center, where my studio is housed, has been closed since March. This means the galleries have been empty, the classes unattended, the life drawing sessions called off, and visitors to our studios non-existent. Itis the right thing to do. It is understandable, and in fact, the solitude (we artists are allowed in our private studios) has been better than I thought it would be. It has been a productive, if not solitary time for me. This month two alternatives have been found. The life drawing sessions have resumed the last two weeks. We are outside and we are masked, but we are drawing again! This is also the best time of year (IMHO) for weather in Virginia. The sun is bright, the humidity is down, and the breezes are refreshing. All this makes for well attended and productive sessions! Here are some of my drawings from the recent sessions:
A while ago I posted a series of photos on Facebook. They were photos I have taken over time, many if not most before Covid. I was struck at how many pictures I had taken of solitude ... or as we now think of it "social Distancing. I though I should add them here on my blog too.
Generally, I am an extrovert. I actually find it easier to address large crowds more than I do small intimate settings. I guess that would be whatever the opposite of Stage Fright is. Knowing this about myself, I really figured that this whole "Shelter in Place" idea would get to me quickly and harshly. Much to my surprise, I have quite enjoyed the solitude, lack of urgency and freedom to take each day as it comes. I miss my grandkids, and being with my friends - especially those who have experience life crisis or celebrations during this time. I especially miss the hugs and laughter, but for the most part, I have allowed myself exploration time and even some video game time! (Animal crossing if you are wondering!) So, back tot he photography... here they are. hope some of them speak to you. |
January 2022
If you are really into history, click here for blog posts prior to 2014 !